
The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP)


Connect & Discover

The Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) aims to provide an effective, ethical, and independent prosecution service for Australia. The CDPP engaged our services because they wanted to work with our team to develop cultural elements that embody their commitment to a fair and just society, foster partnerships, value knowledge, unite as one community, and maintain a national presence. Our First Nations Junior Cultural Designer, Sarah Levett, a proud Wiradjuri Gundungurra woman had the opportunity to connect, consult and create a Cultural Elements Ai Package to feature throughout the CDPP website and documents.

A yellow horizontal banner image of multiple kangaroo tracks.

Gather & Create

Their five elements were created to reflect their core values within the business and the work they are doing.

Safe and Just Society

This element represents people and communities working together to shape a stronger, better society for all Australians.

The U shapes in the middle represents people and the wider CDPP community sitting around a meeting place, working together toward the goal of making our society better and safer.

The groups of shapes within the large circle represent the land of Australia and the spiritual connections people have with it across the nation. The small lines around the outside represent protection and a sense of safety as a society. The multiple dots around the outside of the element represent the people positively impacted by Australia being safer and stronger.

Growing Partnership

This element represents different groups coming together to be one community.
This includes people internally within our organisation (3 people in the centre) and other externals who work closely with us (people in the smaller community circle).

The large circle represents the main meeting place where everyone meets and collaborates to work toward similar objectives and outcomes.

The journey line (3 lines) are travel lines that connect everyone, both virtually and physically, with the people walking toward the centre.
The lines within the meeting places represent the strength that comes from working together as a community.

Value and Develop Knowledge

This element represents the different ways knowledge and skills are shared.
The U shapes are people and they represent the people within the
organisation who are sharing knowledge with other people.

The dark V shapes are boomerangs and they represent skills being shared, and new skills and knowledge circling back to create greater outcomes and impacts.

The oval shapes are knowledge sticks and represent knowledge being
shared within the organisation.

One Community

This element represents gathering, collaborating and achieving goals and outcomes as one community.

The U shapes represent people within the CDPP coming together from all walks of life to work together to create positive change across Australia.

The large circle in the middle represents a meeting place and people within the broader community. The lines in the circle represent bringing everyone together.

The journey line (3 lines) connecting to the meeting place represent their journey and walking to meet together in the centre.

National Footprint

This element represents the CDPP’s workplaces and the footprint held nationally.
The larger circles are meeting places and they represent some of the offices in the organisation. The multiple short lines in these meeting places represent the bond of everyone within individual teams.

The smaller circles are meeting places and represent other workplaces. The dots on the outside represent people within individual offices.

The travel lines (3 lines) show how everyone across Australia effectively works together, and the interconnectedness of the broader impact and footprint we hold.

The space surrounding the larger meeting circle reflects the ability for growth and gaining new connections and strengthening our footprint.

To learn more about CDPP and their inclusions of the cultural elements – visit their news feature.

Share & Embrace

Yirra Miya are excited to see the CDPP showcase their cultural elements in meaningful and thought-provoking ways. The cultural element featured on the footer of their website represents their key pillar ‘Safe and Just Society’. Check out the feature below.

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